Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sad to say Goodbye.....

A little while ago, I made an awesome roman shade for a friend.  I love making stuff for my friends.  It lets me try out some new ideas without too much pressure.  Here it is:

One day, I'll figure out how to space these artistically. 
Anyway, we used banding because the window was so wide and we didn't want to have seams in the shade.  I also used a clutch system for the first time.  That allows the roman shade to go up and down easier.  I will never go back to the old way.  Plus, it's child safe.  Safety first!
Well, she is now moving and alas the shade has to stay with the house.  I wanted to give her something so that she'll always remember when she and I were standing on her counter together putting this huge shade up.  And to remember how excited I was that the clutch system actually worked how it was supposed to.  But maybe forget how I had to raid her husband's screw stash because I forgot the teeny tiny screw for said clutch system. (duh)
So....I made her these.


Don't really know if she's going to have this in her kitchen.  She can keep them in a drawer if she wants.  I loved making them.  I started out making kitchen aprons and accessories, so this was like going back to my roots.  I added some of my new skills though such as micro cording.  I love it.  It's amazing how it gives things a little extra "umph."  I've been adding it to everything.

We are going to miss her and her family so much.  Jobs move all of us so many places.  And hey, she is building a new house.  There will be lots of naked windows needing to be dressed.  I feel a road trip coming on.

1 comment:

  1. I will never move. : ) So there you have me to try it all on. : )
