Monday, September 30, 2013

Lovin the Zebra

I was never an animal print person.  My mom is that person.   That was not me.  But lately, I've been trying to find anything I can to cover with zebra stripe, or giraffe, or leopard.  I've even put a bird pillow on my couch.  I have a thing about birds.  Did you ever see the movie "The Birds"?  My mom used to make us watch old movies to teach us the lessons of life.  We learned that she could always be crazier ("Mommy Dearest") and birds are not nice.  I still always break out into a "No wire hangers" rampage in my mind when hanging our clothes.  Anyway, I conquered my fear of birds and got a pillow.  I've also matured enough to realize my mom may have been onto something with the animal print.

I should put a bunch of design pictures using animal print here, but I'm new to this blogging thing and don't really know the rules about posting other people's pictures.  One day, I will have to figure that out.....or tell my husband to figure that one out and explain it to me.....while I play Candy Crush.

The other day my mom brought me over two cushions she had taken off two stools and asked if I could recover them.  I really want to start upholstery so I jumped at the chance.  Here is what they looked like when she dropped them off.

Tattered corners and all.  And oh so uninteresting.
After much fabric hunting, we settled on something I had in my fabric closet the whole time.  Yes, I have a fabric closet.  I swear, it is like a sickness.  I'm getting much better though.  The first step is admitting you have a problem.  Here is the after:
Yes, she has a pink flamingo on her deck.  She has a pool.  It works.

As soon as I got the cushions done, I called her and told her to paint the legs black.  The were a nice 1980 oak.  What a transformation!  The fabric we got from Joanne Fabric for $9.99 a yard....and I had a coupon!  She just spray painted the legs.  I kept trying to talk her into some pretty expensive fabric since we didn't need much, but I am so glad we didn't go that route.  Just goes to show you that you don't have to spend a lot to get an amazing result.  Lesson learned.  And...since we didn't spend to much on the fabric, we're not married to it.  We can change it when she gets tired of it.  Spectacular.

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