
First off, let me just say how awesome you are that you even took the time to look this up.  My plan is to make a bunch of these to donate.  Heck, I'm even going to keep extras in my car to give when I see people asking for help.   No matter what the situation was that got someone to that point, nobody should be cold....or have kids at home that are cold.  Let's do this!!

Blanket Instructions

Here are the instructions for the blankets.  They are super easy and good for kids of any age because there is no tying.  Enjoy!!

Here's one finished.  Super duper easy.

1.)  Go to any fabric store and buy a yard and a half of fleece.  My husband would say that this is the hardest part.  He cannot stand fabric stores.  Thinks everything moves in slow motion.

2.)  Cut off the selvedge.  The selvedge is the end of the fabric that kinda rolls up.  Sometimes there's even writing.  See those dots.  I just used those as a guide and cut down both sides of my fleece. 

One thing I did was fold the fleece in half so I cut through two layers at once.

3.)  After I cut those off, I began cutting about 1.5 inch wide strips into the fleece.  It doesn't have to be perfect, just consistent.  Remember these are the border of the blanket that we're going to pull through holes later on so don't make them super skinny or super big.
I cut in about 2.5 inches.  Again, don't get out a ruler, just eyeball it.  It doesn't have to be perfect, just consistent. Do that around all edges of the blanket. 
I kept mine folded in half so I went through two layers at once.  I just made a cut on the fold.  Feel free to do that to save time.  Just make sure to not cut strips into the folded side.  Then your blanket will have holes in the middle of it.

4.)  When you get to a corner, just cut it off like a square and continue down the other side.
5.)  Ok, so now all your strips are cut.  Now, go back and make a small hole at the base of each strip.

I just kinda put my finger under it and pushed up a little, and "snip."  Just a little hole.  Not too little.  You're going to be pulling your strip through this so don't make it so little that you have trouble pulling it through.  But don't make it too big that the strip falls out.
That's my hole!
6.)  After all your holes are cut, go back and pull your strips through the hole.

I just bend the strip back and pull through.  Easy Peasy.

Now, go around the entire blanket and do it.'re done!!

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