Saturday, September 7, 2013

First Post here is my first post.  Has any other blogger ever had this problem?  I've been trying to write my "first post" for almost a month.  There is just way too much pressure.  I guess the best thing to do is to just set your expectations way low so I it won't take much to impress you.

My name is Beth and I've had this crazy idea to start my own business.  A few years ago, I discovered that I had this incredible passion for sewing.  I really wish I would figured this out a lot sooner, but oh well.  It would've saved me a lot of money spent on music instruments (when I thought maybe I was musical) and hot yoga classes (when I thought I was healthy).  Sewing it is.  Through great blessings in life, I started making window treatments and have just kept expanding.  I hope to get into upholstery one day.  I'm just waiting for someone to give me a chair to take apart.

That's about it.    Phew.....big sigh of relief.  I am so glad to get this one done.  I'll try to not make the rest of my posts so lame.  I can't promise anything though.

1 comment:

  1. you asked for it... i will find a chair for you to upholster!! ;)
    Great first post!! love it!!
