Monday, April 27, 2015

Pillow Love

Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of requests for pillows. 
Sometimes, I tell people to check Homegoods first.   You can find a basic pillow a lot cheaper there than what it costs me to make one.  Heck, sometimes I just go to Homegoods. 

 But when you want something out of a certain fabric, or in a certain size, I am your girl.  I love making them.  I’m usually in my happy place while I’m sewing those together.

 I just put on some tunes and sit down at my machine.
Usually there’s a little Mumford love sewn into those babies.  Or sometimes,  a dose of Dave Ramsey.  I’ve been on a God kick lately, so a helping of that may be mixed in as well. 
Now I’m not saying that if you get a from me that you’ll suddenly make sound financial decisions, find Jesus, or develop some unexplainable obsession for banjo playing Brits, but I figure it doesn’t hurt.

Disclaimer:  I have heard 2 songs from Mumford and Sons newest album and wasn’t crazy about it.  Good songs, I just missed the banjo.

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