Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Yep.  It's been almost an entire year since I posted anything.  Good grief.  That's terrible.  Typical me, but terrible.  2014 was kinda a sucky year.  After that post way back in April, I got extremely busy, and then my husband's position in his company was eliminated, and then our house was struck by lightning.  Then we thought we were moving.  Then we found a job here and got to stay.  Phew.  So not sucky, just busy and overwhelming.  But everything is fine now.  I'm back, finally.

So....what have I been working on?  Everything.  I made a kick ass Halloween costume. 

This is what I always wear to work.  It gets a little cold in the basement sometimes.

So now I play catch up.  Thanks for hanging in.

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