Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pillows are the new black

What started out as a pretty horrific day, turned good.  I woke up this morning to learn that someone went  on a spending spree with my business debit card last night.  Over $1,000 later, my card has been closed out, but I can't do anything with my account for a couple days.  Someone is sitting with $850 worth of stuff from Best Buy tonight. 
"I hope you enjoy your new hell."

But.....I did get a chance to take some pics of some pillows I just finished.  Something must be going on with pillows.  I have had so many requests for them lately. 

These were a little tricky.  I'm not going to lie, lining up that stripe on the front and back took a little doing.  The matching welt cord (I never knew what that was called either)  gives it some great finishing detail. 

Can you see the zipper?!? 
Pretty cool, if I do say so myself. 
Let's just admire it for a second longer.
It's the small victories that I have to
take advantage of sometimes. 
This zipper just brightened my day.

I promise I am going to learn how to take better pictures.  Maybe I need to upgrade my camera.  The 3 mega pixels just don't seem to be cutting it anymore (note sarcasm).   I just finally got a DVR, a new camera is way off.